Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sustainable on the farm

How was it when it comes to wearing chicken feather or rice straw? It may not be all feathers like you think. This is what I've read from Of Rice and Hen: Fashions from the Farm
"In the future, it might be perfectly normal to wear suits and dresses made of chicken feathers or rice straw. But don’t worry: These clothes won’t resemble fluffy plumage or hairy door mats. Scientists at the University of Nebraska –Lincoln plan to develop these agricultural waste products into conventional-looking fabrics as a way to reduce the use of petroleum-based synthetic fabrics."
"With millions of tons of chicken feathers and rice straw available worldwide each year, these agricultural wastes represent an abundant, cheap and renewable alternative to petroleum-based synthetic fibers, Yang says."
This is why million of ton chicken feather available. I guess it comes from chicken slaughter farm while of course many may comes from laying hens. If this assumption is correct, the value of recycling chicken feather into garmets outweigh the cost of running the factory farms. Such an approach would be more sustainable, but still short of the potential which could be achieved by eliminating the factory farm altogether. The idea of rice straw seems interesting, and possibly an alternative form of clothing or fabric that could be used around the world to create sustainable clothing solutions for more financially limited groups of people.
"Chicken feathers and rice straw also could become “green” fabrics used in carpets, automobiles, building materials and a host of other everyday applications — all at potentially less cost and with novel and sometimes superior properties than their synthetic counterparts, the researchers say."
This could result in a reduced environmental cost in terms of reduced chemical waste and biproducts from other methods which currently processes materials for carpets, automobiles, etc, which might lead to overall longer-term sustainability. As with many things, I suppose, time, and innovation will lead to more sustainable goods.


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